Wednesday, November 28, 2007

And what the hell did I get?

I watch tons of TV. I am not a big movie buff. TV is more my thing-- I am not sure why?

So when I got the chance to see Martha Stewart Live last year in December , I was more than thrilled!!! I actually got the confirmation email on my birthday ( what a gift!).

I had a ball in NYC... we ( S and me) did tons of things (I will do a year recap on the anniversary of the trip) saw tons of shows live, shopped, and went to see Martha !!

The guests were not that exciting on Martha that day .... Sarah McLachlan ( S likes her) she did a craft, performed and we got a CD; and then Murray's cheese shop was there to discuss cheese platters for the holidays and we got a cheese book!

Every time I watch a Talk show and they give things away--- I always say "and what the hell did I get? a cheese book!!!!"

Today on the View they got a gift bag worth $400 dollars from Macy's, the other day the View gave away diamond earrings and gift cards to the same audience, and Ellen gives away trips to NYC !!

And what the hell did I get ? a cheese book !!!!!!!

I know its all about the experience and see people live BUT when people ask ...what did you get ? I get to say " a cheese book!"

I need to get tickets again to some shows in NYC so I can change the answer to my favorite question!???

Does anyone have an inside way to get tickets?

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Martha's model home

I think I found my floor plans for my dream home.. and I never thought it would be Martha Stewart's model for her new KB Homes development.

Well, OK it might as well be??!!, right? I love almost everything Martha does. I think she just a vision for very timeless elegance with touches of new technology

A can can dream......................

It has everything a girl wants :

  • large kitchen
  • large island with sink
  • cabinets, cabinets, cabinets
  • dining room that seats 10
  • dining room with large window

Other things I would love...

  • fireplace in dining room
  • fireplace in bedroom
  • fireplace in den/living room
  • large pantry
  • shelves for cookbooks in kitchen/pantry/butler's pantry
  • a butler's pantry with extra dishwasher/sink and strips of outlets along wall
  • a bar area in dining room ( not that I am a big drinker..... ok I do like a few...but I love to collect glasses and it looks good for parties that you can have a bar set up)
  • large walk-in-closet with cabinets/ drawers ( so no dressers in master bedroom)
  • finished basement for family room/game room that walkouts to outside deck
  • large laundry room off of kitchen/den/Mud room
  • Mud room --"grand central station" room with large coat closet and storage for extras
  • TV in the master bathroom, and kitchen

I am sure there is more things I would love to add to this dream list ..and believe me its a DREAM !

Monday, November 26, 2007


I took the day off! I didn't even get dressed-- I took a shower, put on a robe, and stayed in that robe all day.

made dinner( fried chicken/FF) in that robe, and watching dancing with the stars now.

For some reason I think Marie is going to win-- with all her crazy doll fans and her Children's Miracle Network email list of 2 million BUT Mel B of the Spice Girls should win. I would even take Helio to win! anyone except Marie!!!! All she does is mention "I did it for my fans. I am one of the top doll designers in the world." Her and her dancer partner Jonathan were kinda upset they only got 8's for their first dance. I am thinking the judges do not want her to win this dance competition since she is not the best dancer. It not a popularity contest and how many votes can you buy. But that is what reality show voting is all about from American Idol to this stupid show.

I think I have to agree with Carrie Ann-- it wasn't that great for Mel B's freestyle routine .

Thanksgiving Weekend

Friday..... went out shopping at 7am. Did some crazy shopping with L. I am surprised how much she was spending on the girls. But hey, to each their own! Missed Annual Breakfast at Mcd's ( we always get greasy hashbrown, OJ, and egg McMuffins). We had a late start since she forgot to call me Thursday night and let me know what time for pick up. So we started a new tradition!!!

BEER AND BURGERS !!!!! OMG-- it was so good .

came home..vegged and started shopping online..nothing to special. put on PJ's..and was watching TV ( was suppose to be at my high school reunion --but blew it off) and the phone rings at 10pm! I thought it was friends wondering where I was.. or L calling with updates from her own high school reunion which was the same night.

Its my BIL to say my sister,S, checked herself into the emergency room for chest pains!! So I jump up and start to get dressed to travel back to that same hospital I did less than 3 weeks ago! Problem--- he can not drive since his last seizure so he is freaking out at home with the 6 year old sleeping..."what should I do ? Maybe I should just drive to the hospital?" Hello idiot-- you can not drive and do not think about it with my niece in the car !!!"

She has to spend the night for observation...

Saturday...I spent the night at he house . Got there at around 2am . yeah lots of sleep for me now. Grab some clothes from her closet and drive him to the hospital ( B thinks he has doctor's appointment just like mommy did early this morning -- there was no sense to worry a 6 year old since she knows that daddy is sick) .

S is being released sometime this afternoon, but she has to go back for a stress test .

We head to Brockton for the Christmas parade. A is is in the parade for her dance troop. OMG- I was going to Kill B . she was acting up at the parade bumping and dancing into the baby stroller next to us. Telling me she is getting the sillys out of her .

STOP IT NOW--- but that didn't work !!! We finally moved. There was over 100 different groups in the parade and it was over 2 hours long!! went back to L house for hot cocoa and snacks... drove back to S house ( one hour back to her house from L's house) make dinner, give it to B, head to the grocery store so that they have the staples to get them through Monday afternoon, and then head home for that one hour drive back to my house !! i feel like I spent my weekend in the car .

Sunday.... did nothing exciting all day . Did some laundry. read the Sunday paper. And tried to shop online--but found nothing to buy!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Twas the Day before Thanksgiving

and where was I you ask ?


My nieces, J and A , wanted to go skating in Boston at the Frogpond. they have never been before and since they both have seen the pond in the summer when its a wading pool; they wanted to actually try skating in the outdoors.

What a blast I had! The girls where little hams ( should I have called them turkeys?) They were showing off their skating talents and many people were even taking pictures and video of them! They couldnt believe that they were only 6 and 9 and was doing to eloops, salcows, and spirals across the ice !!!

I have no idea why .... but... many people came over to me and not my sister to say what cuties they were and how much talent they have! Could it have been the camera around my neck snapping pictures and video of them?? you think ?????

Then it was back to reality and cook a turkey breast for day after sandwiches. Shopping at 4am makes you very hungry!!

so I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving... and dont forget to say a small prayer ( even if its just to yourself in the shower) "what you are thankful for"

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thanksgiving week

I think I love the rush of planning, finding recipes, cooking, baking for the holiday more than the actually holiday and spending time with family. I see my family alot!!!

But, what is more important to me..... "WHAT AM I GOING TO WEAR ?"

This is such a fun, exciting part of the holiday . I am not sure why ...maybe its the fact that within the last 5 years we take some type of picture to capture the day .

It could be what we do prior to dinner ( apple turkeys, etc..) .... or desserts that we have eaten.... or just a family picture of the girls together.

So far I have baked two desserts..pound cake and the "famous sugar cookies". ( maybe there will be a post in the future on these) .

Now back to what to wear--- I think I am going to wear my new print dress with tights and boots. BUT believe me it all depends on the weather and traffic. Do I want to drive in heels? and scratch the back of them while I slam on the brakes on what will be a normal day 25 minute ride that will probably take 1 hour. And one thanksgiving it took me over 3 hours. I traveled less than 1 mile in 90 minutes during thanksgiving traffic around noontime . ( not a good sign when you have to pee and no where to stop since every place is closed for the holiday !!!!!)

My brother-in-law like to wear shorts for the holiday. I think its his annual tradition to see how long it takes my mother to comment on them. The other brother in law sulks that he is not spending it with his family ( blah blah blah--get over it OK!!!)

I only wish is that I had a huge place to entertain my would be my ideal dream to have a kitchen with a huge island, two ovens, huge dining room with a table for 12 - huge buffet side board, and a ..... what a dream this would be !!!!!!

A girl can dream ..right ???!!!

Saturday, November 17, 2007


things to do tomorrow:

  • go to Kappy's to buy wine...its the third week of November and the new bottle of this wine is now out( only comes out during this time) and its only $11. I might buy a bottle for Thanksgiving and one for the house also.

  • go buy new makeup foundation ; I have to remember to buy Beige instead of buff beige for the winter !!
  • make Christmas list for myself
  • paint fingernails/toenails
  • make photo disks

Friday, November 16, 2007


I have always loved taking photos. I think it started in high school when I was going through old photos and it always seemed to bring a smile to my face. I loved the black and white pictures from my family's weddings, holidays, and traditions.

I wanted to bring that same smiles to future generations to come.

But would I ever think someone would think my photos were professional?

I think I take good portraits since I connect with my subjects and OK scenic shots.

But sometimes my sister ,S, wants to take this job since she always has a camera and wanted to be the family photographer.( she has had her photos published in newspapers and magazines she has written for...... to accompany the articles)

My sister ,L, called and said that J's skating director of the club wanted to know my prices and what my schedule looked like during the holidays. She loved my pictures that I take during the skating competitions of J and A and their friends and thought I was a professional photographer!!!!

I would love to take photos of all the girls and some group shots...but now is the pressure that they should be wonderful!! I told her I would think about it and get back to them after Thanksgiving.

I am not sure I would charge them any money...But L said I should charge her a flat rate for my time for editing the photos and time and gas to the rink?

I could be a professional photographer !!! ( well, maybe?)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

from the mouths of babes

when it comes to my nieces they all have the own unique personalities!

They love to read and when it comes to pronunciation they can come up with their own words.

for example...

Holy Bib-ile ( she wanted something to read one day in the hotel.... so she asked for the Holy Bib-ile!)
Yo-za-mite ( Yo-Yo..MTV raps ) ( homework- name a national park?)

Monday, November 12, 2007

363 more days

My birthday was this Saturday and it was just as I expected....Boring and uneventful.

What did I expect...that my family would go out of its way to celebrate? I have learned since my 18th birthday that No one cares that its my birthday and if you don't have high expectations that you will not feel let down.

This theory has worked until this year . I go out of my way to celebrate other people's birthdays ( family and friends) , make cupcakes , make dinner , go shopping , decorate for the party, buy gifts, wrap them beautifully, call them with happiness wishes and then proceed to chat with them , make a day or possible week out of celebrating the big day .

Well, Saturday I decided I was not going to sit and wait for plans...cause I knew they would never happen. I went to the mall...where noone knows my name. ( the total opposite of the Cheers song) Every phone call that happened was like I was an inconvenience! The most anyone could give me was a 2 minute phone call while their life and plans continued. No one wanted to spend the day with me !

The only invite I got for my big day was to spend the day going to a place I do not like.... to watch Christmas lights with my sister's family...I was a tag a long. ( because it was a free event and you had to attend for work ?!!!!!) , and then on Monday - to dinner to a place I do not like since you have to attend for work... Well thats from one family member what about the others?

the other sister... decided to sent her kids to her BIL's for the night. why would I mind? This from her BIL who never sees or spends any time with his nieces. This would be the first sleepover ever--- the oldest is 9 !!

I love my nieces... but there is sometimes when you wanna celebrate like an adult and I guess it will never happen. I thought maybe this would be the year . Guess again !

It has nothing to do with gifts.... all I ask is if you plan on not brag about how busy your day is (on MY BIRTHDAY) and how you just have a few minutes to say Happy Birthday --and proceed to leave on my machine

" where could you be on your birthday.... I am calling to wish you a happy birthday ...and how dear you not answer my call !"

Happy Birthday to me..... only 363 more days to celebrate again!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I need pants...

I am having the worst shopping experience.

I need some everyday pants that are washable but are stylish.

They need to sit somewhat below my waist but not too low to see everything. They need to be somewhat straight leg since I have no ass. They have to have at least a 32 inch inseam. If they are too wide of a leg I get lost in them .

I have tried on in the last month possible over 50 pairs of pants/jeans .

I have one pair of black pants that I love but I can not wear those everyday ....

and last but most important I have no idea what size I am since the pants that actually fit in my closet range from 8, 12,10. and some of the 8's are too big so I guess it all depends on the style, designer, and fabric.

anyone have any ideas on a stores I can try ? I would love an actual store.....but websites will do too!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

when the phone rings....

you know its never a good sign when the phone rings late at night!

R, my brother -in-law, had another seizure last night. He had two of them in September 2006 and they thought they ruled out everything. BUT I guess not!!

I had to go and get B at the Hospital. So I throw on some clothes and rush down the Mass Pike at 70 MPH and meet them at the hospital..stayed a while while my sister calmed down and B started to go back to sleep .

They lowered his medication a few weeks ago maybe that was the problem?

Tonight they think he has epilepsy .

He lost his license for another 6 months and he is not happy..and neither is anyone in his family ---you would have thought they cut off his penis they way they are reacting!! I understand he lost his freedom but life is more important then driving!!

There is more tests to come --only time will tell.

I am exhausted --I didn't get enough sleep-- But I tried to just let it go and make up for it tonight and hope that phone does not ring tonight or any night soon!!!

Monday, November 5, 2007

shopping ...

in my blue bathrobe!

Oh, how I love to just sit and be relaxed. I am doing laundry and my theory has always been why dirty more clothes while washing others?

so, as I was searching my bargain-coupon websites , I found that Victoria Secret is having a sale. so I purchased a sweater, got hat , scarf and gloves for free!, got beauty rush lip gloss free !, another beauty product free !, $5 off order!...... so my order came to $19.95 !!!!!!!!!!!

I just love a bargain!!

I actually have been looking for a red v-neck sweater too since last year after Christmas I had to return mine since it snagged while it was in the washing machine and the material started to come apart. The lady at the register..was surprised but commented that she gave it to her daughter and she hoped it didn't happen to hers...... well couple weeks later I was shopping and she stopped me to say--- it did!!

So ..I hope to do some more shopping tonight while having a cup of Tea, snug as a bug in my bathrobe.

BTW... Black Friday ads are out already and I haven't seen much yet to get up early for..have you?

Sunday, November 4, 2007

sorry...its been too long since my last post !

I have had a crazy couple of days.

Thursday... Recovering from Halloween. I ran out of chips at 7:15 . I was only outside for a little over an hour. It looked like a parade of kids coming around the corner.

Friday... Just vegged and did laundry and did a little food shopping ..nothing much.

Saturday... J came to spend the night. We had a ball. We had dinner, played on the computer, played board games, and designed dresses and jewelry. She also watched Kimora Lee Simmons-- loved the reality show !! We had tons of rain today .. what was left of hurricane Noel.

Sunday... woke up at 5:45am . forgot to change the clocks before we went to bed and J woke me since she thought it was 6:45-- well that's what the clock said !!. We went shopping at Target-- had fashion show in the dressing rooms and then we headed to the mall ...J wanted to go to Forever 21 since that is Hannah Montana's favorite store. Even though they don't sell anything that would fit either one of them... she got a bling bling ring! $3.80 !! Drove her home this afternoon.. and i am exhausted. Going to just relax now .

I did do some shopping for myself this weekend. I bought 2 blazers, grey sequin top( wearing it now on Sunday) , 3 silk tops, and a blue dress. Didn't take any pictures all weekend..I don't know what I was thinking....maybe we were having too much fun.