Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Twas the Day before Thanksgiving

and where was I you ask ?


My nieces, J and A , wanted to go skating in Boston at the Frogpond. they have never been before and since they both have seen the pond in the summer when its a wading pool; they wanted to actually try skating in the outdoors.

What a blast I had! The girls where little hams ( should I have called them turkeys?) They were showing off their skating talents and many people were even taking pictures and video of them! They couldnt believe that they were only 6 and 9 and was doing to eloops, salcows, and spirals across the ice !!!

I have no idea why .... but... many people came over to me and not my sister to say what cuties they were and how much talent they have! Could it have been the camera around my neck snapping pictures and video of them?? you think ?????

Then it was back to reality and cook a turkey breast for day after sandwiches. Shopping at 4am makes you very hungry!!

so I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving... and dont forget to say a small prayer ( even if its just to yourself in the shower) "what you are thankful for"

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