Tuesday, June 16, 2009

ALMOST back to normal

If there ever was normal.

Its been awhile but what do you expect when you fall on the skating rink with sneakers on..and crack you head open !!!

I guess thats why Hockey players wear helmet and oh yeah ICE SKATES !

I will try to get back to blogging again. I am just trying to deal with everything else that has been left behind ; you know like bills, laundry, and normal day to day errands.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

cleanser ?

I am on the search for the perfect facial treatments for my skin.---- this is the hardest thing I have done in a long time.

Right now I am using Mario Badescu

I am using Orange cleansing soap, special cucumber lotion, drying lotion, collagen moisturizer, and finally the healing and soothing mask, .
I think its doing the best job in a long time. My skin is looking cleaner and my pores are decreased. My makeup is going on much easier and it stays on longer.

Has anyone used this? and any reviews?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Snack Attack

what is your go to 3pmish snack of choice ?

Every day at the same time I get the hungry feeling that I need that crunchy snack. And chocolate doesn't seem to fix it ...why is that ?

I have been on a Triscuit fix for the past week or so----- I might as well get a little fiber at the same time with those calories !!

Friday, February 6, 2009


why does everyone have a facebook page now ? I turn on Ellen the other day--she is promoting hers by giving away ipods. Today show was doing {i think} three segments the other day on how to set it up, add ons, the do and don't of Facebook.

I understand its a social network---but do I need to know everytime you made dinner, you went to Target, the weather reports, the parties I was not invitied to, blah blah blah !!!!!

I think I had enough when I am getting mad that I wasnt invited to a Football party that I didnt know about---- and wouldnt know about---- if you didnt post it to everyone on your friends list with PHOTOS !!!!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Weight issues

I was watching "Good Morning America" this morning and Dr. Oz was on { you know the Doctor from Oprah} talking about weight and what your ideal measurement should be.

Here is his theory: your waist measurement from your navel area should be half of your height. For example if you are 5'6 " your waist should not be bigger than 33 inches. Well I am 5'8" inches and I am under 34 " for my waist but lately I have been feeling fat . I just need to go out and walk and do some exercise ..but we have too much snow and ice--- and right now I have no money for a gym membership .

I think its that winter dull drum where all I feel like I do is sleep- shower-eat-poop-work-sleep !!

Does anyone else feel this way ? Do I have that winter syndrome where I need a light lamp and some retail therapy?!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

President Barack Obama

Today is the day...our next 44th President Barack Obama is sworn in as the new President
Today is the first day in many many years that a candidate that I voted for will become president of the United States. Regardless of how you feel...this is history in the making.
I am so disappointed that my nieces are not watching it on TV during school today. This is US history in the making---- not studying that outdated book in class.
Teachers/principals.... wake up and plug those TV's in...and teach our youth that it doesnt matter where you grow up, the style of family you have..... it all about paths you choose !

Saturday, January 17, 2009

.....VENT ......

I ask for very little..so why is it when I ask for you to do something for me on Jan 6th it still hasnt been done ??

You could have done this on the 6th without even going out of your way. No extra stop needed !!

But in this time you have asked me to do so much .......and you actually have the nerve to call me today { after doing you a favor already this week } to ask for another favor !

WTH !!!!!!!!

ok..back to your regular non -venting blog

Sunday, January 11, 2009

SNOWING ..again

Oh How I love this time of the year getting dressed and putting on cashmere sweaters, tall black boots, tights, wool coat, leather gloves but no this isnt what I went to the closet to put on today...

it was those ugly black heavy boots ( keeps toes warm they say, not always !), turtleneck, sweatshirt, jeans, wool socks, pink ski jacket, heavy weatherproof gloves, scarf tied around neck (but not in that pretty french way with the wrap and tie) , earmuffs, hat, and sometimes those snow pants for climbing in those snow drifts just to get to the car door.

I am lucky, sometimes, when my neighbor takes pity on me and snowblows the sidewalk...but because the ass always parks on my side of the street near the driveway ---I end up having to shovel the street after I clean out my driveway because the plow only does the middle of the street. It isnt pretty !!!

Here in the Boston area people sometimes place out summer lawn chairs, trash cans, cones , crates, and whatever else you can find in the basement that you dont mind losing---just to save your shoveled out parking spot. Thank God I have a driveway and I dont have to put up with that crap because it isnt something that you would wanna see when you drive down a street is crap between snow piles, but I guess it is better that fights and broken glass from broken car windshields if someone took your parking spot that you spent hours cleaning out !!

It is going to be a cold week... highs in the 20s and that is afternoon temperature ! So we will have to see if fashion or warmth wins out this week ??!!