Friday, October 31, 2008

"Look good in Pictures" from Nikon

The other day I received this email from Nikon's PR firm.
Hi! My name is Allison Blass and I work for MWW Group, Nikon's PR agency. I saw
your post on meeting Carson Kressley, which is very exciting, and I thought I'd
drop you a quick note about something Carson is working on with Nikon. Carson
and Nikon teamed up for a webisode series called Look Good In Pictures that I
thought you'd like to visit. It has a lot of great tips on looking great in
pictures in Carson's usual hilariously entertaining style. Visit it at It's so cool that you got to visit Carson! Hope you
also enjoy the videos.

I have checked out Nikon's look good in picture website and OMG it is amazing !!! he gives such helpful advice for everyones body shape and for every setting this upcoming holiday season.

They have tons of videos featuring Carson Kressley , you will have to check it out for yourself , here is a brief preview of the Fabulous Carson !
In this video : Strike a Pose!Carson shows you how to get the most from your photos using the "Rule of Thirds" "

In this video : Glitz and Glam - Tips from the Celebs!
Carson hits up Hollywood

I have a Nikon D40 which takes amazing photos because it is the most compact Nikon digital SLR but you dont need to have a Nikon camera to use the tips that Carson Kressley so colorfully details !!!
So check out all Carson Kressley's videos from Nikon .... you know you love him from 'Queer Eye' and 'How to Look Good Naked' !

Check out my post with photos from October 27,2008 where I met Carson kressley at the Natick Collection

Thursday, October 30, 2008

100 posts

I never thought I would ever get to 100 posts...I usually dont commit myself to diaries or journals so this whole blog really surprises me. I never had a diary growing up that wasnt just for a few weeks, then 6 months later...trying to catch up with what happened when I didnt want to write anymore, then 2 months after that saying why dont think is going to work ..the END !

I really enjoy reading everyone else's blogs about all their fashion styles every day ...their vacations, their families, they ALMOST seem like friends ?! Does that sound weird? So I thought I would start one of my own. No one in my family ( I think) knows I have this blog.... I want to write and express myself about FAMILY...FASHION...LIFE... without them peering over my shoulder and censoring it !

This is just the thing ( 100 posts ) that is going to make me continue

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Walmart has designer clothes ?

I was in Walmart the other night running in just to get some hair gel and hairspray and they had Norma Kamali clothes ... yup you heard that right Norma Kamali .

I guess with their whole re-design of the store they needed to get more upscale people to shop there just like target did with Issac Mizrahi .

I didnt get to really get upclose and personal with the clothes and see how they fit and such... it was pouring raining and I had over a hour ride home on the MassPike.--which if you dont know is not the best thing to drive in the dark, in the rain, by yourself, with every Damn 18 wheel truck on either side of you !!!!!

I checked online and NOT every Walmart has this line so maybe I will have to do some shopping online and do "ship-to-store"

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Best Store ?

If someone asks what is your favorite store to shop..Do you think you could answer with just ONE store?

I dont ! Would it be Target, New York and Company, Marshall's, Pottery Barn, Tjmaxx, Macy's, Filene's Basement, Limited, Williams Sonoma, Express, this list could go on and on and on

There isnt a store that I could just shop in and that store only. I would feel like a cookie cutter of everyone else..and that is definitely not ME . I love the hunt in the store, the rush when you find that particular item that you didnt even know you have been searching for, that high when that item is not that expensive. Oh.... what a high...

I could probably count on both hands that times I have spend $50 - $100 on ONE item and a few of them are probably winter coats.

Here are a few items........ Dennis Basso faux fur coat that I used $$ from a casino win , a long leather coat I bought when I got my first full time job, and one very expensive and on sale pair of boots.

what is the most expensive item you have purchased ?

Monday, October 27, 2008

Family.. Fashion ....Life

This post fits this blog to a "T"

I went to a fashion show the other day with my niece and we met......


My niece was so excited to see a fashion show... we got front row right on the runway !
She raised her hand and asked a question during the Q & A session

He came out for the first time yelling "HI everyone starts down the runway and then turns around and says OMG who is this adorable little girl?" and tell her she looks like Giselle Bunchen !---it made her night !

She wanted to walk the runway . Carson came up to her during the runway show and asked her how she was enjoying the show-- her reponse " Well, Its my first runway show to see ..but I have been in them before!" Carson just smiles back at her and says " Of course you have its our Mini Giselle with her beautiful hair "

not the best photo of us...but hey was taken by a 10 year old who was a little nervous

These two photos are from the local Paper.... See if you can find my niece in the front row ??!!

We both had a blast !! we got goody bags too-- a black poncho that still had the tags attached for $32.95 and coupons to the store . My sister wanted the poncho but.....
She ( my niece) couldn't wait to go to school the next day to tell all her friends about her night out with a celebrity and wear her new PONCHO !!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Only 19 more days ...

I did not play with this is from

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Its been one year since I started this Blog...Alot has happened over that time some I have talked about on here and some I just thought to keep to myself. I think from now on..I will blog as often as I can and be more open with myself and you !

I wasnt sure who would be reading this and how much I wanted to share but I have a few blogs that I read almost everyday, I feel like they are "friends" even if they have no idea who I am.

I image that if we lived closer we would hang out, go shopping, dig through those thift stores, and just hang out together gossiping!!!

Happy Anniversary to me
Happy Anniversary to me
Happy Anniversary to Family-Fashion-Life
Happy Anniversary to me !!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

It isnt a bargain if....

I will just put this out there ......"It isnt a bargain if I have to pay $26.00 to have an online order shipped for one item !!"

I understand you have to have my package delivered but come on! I usually do look for coupons before I hit that final purchase button on an online store order .

I have actually ordered lipglosses that cost me $10.00 in shipping charges because I knew it would have cost me gas money, my time, and I probably would have bought something else while at the mall !!!!

BUT $26.00 ?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


The election is 4 weeks away..and this could be the biggest and nastiest Obama and McCain fight. The second debate is on for tonight. I think this is the first time in a presidential election I have watched ALL the debates-- is it I am getting older, I care about what they have to say, or is i am usually home when they are on ?

It is getting dirty and mean...but with all that does anyone actually get what the candidates stand for.

I wish there was a website that had a chart on every issue you wanted to know about and it just had check marks in the boxes if they agree or disagree . Am I asking too much? Is there such a thing?

I "think" I am 99% sure on who I want to vote for .... and I these debates are really NOT going to change it unless someone really screws up and puts their foot in the mouth with a dumb ass answer.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Blame it on the rain

This was the best concert I have been to in a long time. Besides the rain which started exactly at show time ( 7pm)..FERGIE was the BEST !!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Just doing my part

Well I have been missing lately from this Blog because I have been doing my part by Volunteering for some charity work. And hey, If a celebrity shows up and I get to chat with them ..More points for me !!

I did a charity golf tournament for the Celtics...and almost the whole Celtics team showed up along with the coach, owners,Dancers , and the Championship trophy !
And ...guess who else showed up....?
give up?

Donnie from NKOTB !!!!!!!

I got to greet/shake his hand when the car service dropped him and his clubs off and then later on during the dinner/auction portion.

Also..some of the Celtics players were making fun of my Boston accent...(I don't think I have one, but I guess I do ! "Take that golf cart for a tour?")

Here is the funniest thing of the whole day. During the silent auction I was standing next to the tables with all the Boston sports memorabilia and a Celtics player comes up to me and says...

Celtics(CP): Can I ask you a question?
Me: Sure, I will see if I can help.
CP: Have you ever been called a piece of meat?
Me: giving my usually smirk and half smile...excuse me?
CP: have you ever been called a piece of meat? is that a saying people use up here?
Me: HUH?
CP: a piece of meat?
Me: I am not sure where you are going with this I will just say YES! ( I am working so I didnt want to be like "hell yeah, why ?)
CP: I feel bad for some of the Celtics Dancers over there and I thought you would understand and could go over there and try to rescue them?
Me: OH yeah..I can see you were brought up to respect woman. You must tell your Mama thanks from me. I will go see what I can do !
CP: I am not allowed to talk to the dancers per my contract and those guys have been monopolizing their time all night. Could you help them? I just knew you would get it!

isn't it nice that a professional player has respect for woman and didn't want old grandpa type guys ogling over the dancers all night.

That just tells me that not all guys are like the ones I meet!!!