Sunday, October 5, 2008

Just doing my part

Well I have been missing lately from this Blog because I have been doing my part by Volunteering for some charity work. And hey, If a celebrity shows up and I get to chat with them ..More points for me !!

I did a charity golf tournament for the Celtics...and almost the whole Celtics team showed up along with the coach, owners,Dancers , and the Championship trophy !
And ...guess who else showed up....?
give up?

Donnie from NKOTB !!!!!!!

I got to greet/shake his hand when the car service dropped him and his clubs off and then later on during the dinner/auction portion.

Also..some of the Celtics players were making fun of my Boston accent...(I don't think I have one, but I guess I do ! "Take that golf cart for a tour?")

Here is the funniest thing of the whole day. During the silent auction I was standing next to the tables with all the Boston sports memorabilia and a Celtics player comes up to me and says...

Celtics(CP): Can I ask you a question?
Me: Sure, I will see if I can help.
CP: Have you ever been called a piece of meat?
Me: giving my usually smirk and half smile...excuse me?
CP: have you ever been called a piece of meat? is that a saying people use up here?
Me: HUH?
CP: a piece of meat?
Me: I am not sure where you are going with this I will just say YES! ( I am working so I didnt want to be like "hell yeah, why ?)
CP: I feel bad for some of the Celtics Dancers over there and I thought you would understand and could go over there and try to rescue them?
Me: OH yeah..I can see you were brought up to respect woman. You must tell your Mama thanks from me. I will go see what I can do !
CP: I am not allowed to talk to the dancers per my contract and those guys have been monopolizing their time all night. Could you help them? I just knew you would get it!

isn't it nice that a professional player has respect for woman and didn't want old grandpa type guys ogling over the dancers all night.

That just tells me that not all guys are like the ones I meet!!!

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