Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
Sat--- I went to the girl's ( J & A) skating competition . It was pouring raining! --for the past three years that I have gone to the competition, it has snowed, rained, and rained! They did really good ( J- 1st, 1st, 3rd) ( A-2nd), except there was a little controversy on J's last event. Her old skating director was one of the judges; and she came in third. Her coach was even surprised! J was skating against one of her friend ( and same coach) and the coach even said she should have won or at least came in second. something fishy...... we will have to see if we can get the judges comments thru her NEW skating director.
above: J's freestyle 2above: J's artistic solo 2
above: J's spotlight freestyle 2

I got lost on my way home, I have never left the rink and went straight home I have always gone back to my sister's house.
So I was driving around with almost no gas in the rain, tired, and trying to find signs on a dark road with no lights!
It was also my brother-in-laws's 40th birthday and his family was pissed that my sister didnt throw a party--hello they spent the whole day 7:45-6:30 at a skating rink??!!
came home and watched the red sox and had pizza and crashed.. woke up at 3:30 am and watched tv till 7:30 and then took a nap.
Sun- Didnt really do anything all day except go get trick or treat chips/snacks. Then I went to Payless and got some black sneakers. OK day that is until...

Dropkick Murphys Shipping Up To Boston - Red Sox ALCS Game 7
Uploaded by culturebully
Friday, October 26, 2007
do I really like it ?
Thursday, October 25, 2007
I NEED to go shopping to get some new clothes...I feel like I am in a rut with my style.
I will give you an update on what I put in my shopping basket and what I actually decide to purchase.
It might be a long night.
I usually look best in a skirt/dress but where and when do I have time/place to wear that ??!!
I will be making a strong cup of Tea and sit back and type and dream...
Please email me your favorite website for shopping and also email me those sites that are not great on shipping and quality !
ETA: so far I have a raincoat and two sweaters in the shopping basket... update later
ETA (2): I give up ; the baskets are empty ..... I bought nothing today !!!!!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
what do I wish for?
My birthday is coming up soon and I have no idea what to wish for?
any suggestions?
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
salty sweet
do I want something salty?
do I want something sweet?
I think I have found the solution to this question----
Chocolate Covered Popcorn
I have made it many times in the last year--My nieces love to watch the popcorn come flying out of the air popper and then we throw ( OK maybe not throw but spray with a fork) chocolate over it , salt, and let dry on wax paper. The drying takes anywhere from 1/2 hour- an hour.
I think I made way too much BUT then again ---maybe not ?!!
ETA.... way too might be going in the garbage . I will have to wait till tomorrow to see??!! BUMMER !!!!
ETA (2)... its a keeper..had some on Wed night and its Fabulous
Monday, October 22, 2007
World Series

Sunday, October 21, 2007
crazy weekend
Friday.. went to the children's museum in Boston for a Ghana reception. My niece B went in the summer to the museum and they were having an art exchange with a Ghana orphanage . So Friday she was going to receive her picture. Then we stayed till 9pm . I haven't been to the Boston children's Museum since it reopened after the remodel. they kept alot of the same rooms ..except the food store ( bummer!!) but what a beautiful place!

Saturday ... went to B's school for her Pumpkin Fair. I actually was impressed with how organized it was plus how many families showed up ! --went to Kelly's and Jordan's furniture store afterward to have lunch and look around at some furniture. then went to dinner because B wanted to go a fancy restaurant to eat . after searching for two days for a Chinese buffet.. why pay big bucks for a 6 year old to try new foods. She wanted dumplings!! we drove to Marlborough ( about 15 minutes away). It was actually pretty good considering we had no idea what the food tasted like!
Sunday... went to my niece J's cheerleading game at 2pm. showed up to take some pictures. and my niece A fell on the bleachers and started crying uncontrollably. They had to take her to the hospital. so I stayed and ended up taking over my sister's volunteer mother duties in the food stand. LUCKY ME !! She is fine... just a few cuts in her crotch area ( she is 6).
what a weekend !!!
Pictures to follow when I finally download them !
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Update on Car
My car is fixed !!!
I guess it was fixed yesterday ... and I have been driving the car broken for three years. The daytime lights are ONLY suppose to appear when you shift out of Park and into any other gear. BUT my car has been running the daytime lights all the time once you turned on the car . So i guess it needed that BCM piece and its fixed!
so... the episodes are over......I hope??!!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
appointment today
Well I took my car in for her appointment today at 9 am .
The mechanic asked what can I do for you today ?
" I think my car is possessed!
" I explain everything to him and he says "sounds electrical"
"you think?!!?"
well after waiting for an hour...they offer to drive me somewhere since it is going to be awhile.
I came home...and I finally call them at 4pm ..they said it would be done at 4:30. So I go get the car and they are still washing it BUT all along my stomach is in knots--how much is it going to cost? I said to the guy in service--" so it was just that little piece?" his repsonse.." little yes --but it is major piece in your car"
so at 5pm.... its free --under warranty they had to replace the BCM( Body Control Modules).
My car is sparkling clean..they even got the stain out on passenger side that ice cream spilled last summer !!
BUT..... It will be going back tomorrow.... NO daytime running lights still
I called but service closes at 5pm!
Tune it tommorrow for another episode of how my car has turned from a saturn to satan !!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Its on......
It is so cold today that ...
the heat has been turned on !
Right now the temperature is 53 and its getting colder as I type.
Best $4 ever spent
this seam riper has become my go to item for the past two weeks.....I possible have used it 6 times !!
from making a Halloween outfit for a party ( see picture in the top right corner of this blog ) , to fixing a skating costume, to getting dirt from under my keyboard keys out, and finally to those annoying threads on new underwear , bras, and jeans!
who's idea was it to sew them on so tight !
whoever said .." you cant find anything for $4 anymore ".... never bought one of these!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
My car
right now I have NO car because it has decided to become possessed!
the alarm will start to go off by itself, the lights turns on inside the car while driving, the headlights go off while I drive, and last night the horn started going off by itself !
I ran in the house and grabbed my camera and started videoing it as much as possible while I was safe in my driveway because the last time I took it to the dealership...they thought I was a crazy woman! because just like Murphy's was a perfect car while in the shop!
I have an appointment on Tuesday but until then...I have no car !
I am hoping that it doesnt cost me too warranty ended in July( but last time it was in the shop was 5000 miles ago) so until then my fashion shopping and recreating my closet will have to wait.
Friday, October 12, 2007
"its not coming home with me"
I have decided to add some color to my wardrobe. If you asked anyone ...they would probably think I have tons of color in my closet along with tons of clothes .
I think its because I dont wear alot of patterns...OK maybe I own a few pattern pieces. I just feel that with my large chest size I should not emphasize it any more than I have to .
But to look at my just looks Blah! I want to spice it up. I have been searching the web...hence the 1st post of this blog and my problems!
Where to begin? well, I decided to start in my closet and clean it out! I think I cleaned it out too much! But as the handbook/rules say .."if you havent worn it in a year/two years give it away"
and I have taken that to heart.
I have just started on shoes/boots.... and OMG I think my feet have grown!! Some of my shoes that I would wear everyday 3 years ago do not fit now ( and no I have not been pregnant)!
I am going to keep a running list of what I need in my purse so i do not over buy and buy on a whim....
My birthday is coming up next month and I think as a birthday present to myself this year (and maybe a new years resolution) I will treat myself with only quality and not quantity in my closet.
I need to learn how to mix and match my wardrobe and not keep wearing the same items all the time!
I am taking notes while reading magazines and blogs and seeing how I can apply it to my own style. And so far.... its working!
when I apply myself the time when its a special event ..... I get tons of compliments But I want to just walk into the closet in the morning and pull out something fashionable, comfortable, and fabulous !!
1st rule.... "just because its onsale, marked down, and the bargain of all bargains ... If I wasnt willing to pay full price(if I had the money) then its not coming home with me"
2nd rule... "if I can not think of three ways it will work in my closet ...its not coming home with me "
3rd rule..." Just because the experts say its in doesnt mean it will work on my body type and....its not coming home with me"
shopping online ?
Is this a good thing?
I miss the immediate rush of trying on something as soon as I see it. Should I order a medium or large? Is that sweater too thin? Will this purple sweater match that purple stripe in my grey pants?
Help..... I know this is just like catalogue shopping of the late 80's ...BUT this time you actually know if the item is instock and if it will arrive ( ok... I know this doesnt work for ALL stores).
I will continue to shop in stores and malls because I love people watching and seeing what others are wearing, picking up to try on in the fitting room, actually trying on those $250 sandals that I would never purchase to wear to the beach, and finding that bargain that I can wear tonight !!
what do you think...?