Tuesday, October 23, 2007

salty sweet

sometimes a girl cant decide what she wants for a snack.......

do I want something salty?

do I want something sweet?

I think I have found the solution to this question----

Chocolate Covered Popcorn

I have made it many times in the last year--My nieces love to watch the popcorn come flying out of the air popper and then we throw ( OK maybe not throw but spray with a fork) chocolate over it , salt, and let dry on wax paper. The drying takes anywhere from 1/2 hour- an hour.

I think I made way too much BUT then again ---maybe not ?!!

ETA.... way too salty..it might be going in the garbage . I will have to wait till tomorrow to see??!! BUMMER !!!!

ETA (2)... its a keeper..had some on Wed night and its Fabulous

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