Sunday, October 21, 2007

crazy weekend


Friday.. went to the children's museum in Boston for a Ghana reception. My niece B went in the summer to the museum and they were having an art exchange with a Ghana orphanage . So Friday she was going to receive her picture. Then we stayed till 9pm . I haven't been to the Boston children's Museum since it reopened after the remodel. they kept alot of the same rooms ..except the food store ( bummer!!) but what a beautiful place!

Saturday ... went to B's school for her Pumpkin Fair. I actually was impressed with how organized it was plus how many families showed up ! --went to Kelly's and Jordan's furniture store afterward to have lunch and look around at some furniture. then went to dinner because B wanted to go a fancy restaurant to eat . after searching for two days for a Chinese buffet.. why pay big bucks for a 6 year old to try new foods. She wanted dumplings!! we drove to Marlborough ( about 15 minutes away). It was actually pretty good considering we had no idea what the food tasted like!

Sunday... went to my niece J's cheerleading game at 2pm. showed up to take some pictures. and my niece A fell on the bleachers and started crying uncontrollably. They had to take her to the hospital. so I stayed and ended up taking over my sister's volunteer mother duties in the food stand. LUCKY ME !! She is fine... just a few cuts in her crotch area ( she is 6).

what a weekend !!!

Pictures to follow when I finally download them !

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