Monday, March 31, 2008

NEW screen shot

Happy Spring 2008

Saturday, March 29, 2008

why can't I win the lottery ?

I know ..I know many people on their own blogs have posted this. I can predict many things ( not like I am a psychic or medium) but I can not do that for myself. I can predict anything about a family member or a stranger but if it has anything to do with me or I will benefit from it .. NOTHING !!!

I can tell if someone will run a red light or when someone will get hurt.. I just get that gut wrenching feeling about things.

But..why can't I win the lottery?

I dont want to win to live in a very plush house--OK I would like a house similar to my dream house . I dont want to spend tons of money on myself .. I would still have to shop off the sale and clearance racks..that is just drilled into me.

I just want to go to the supermarket and not shop of the sale papers. I wanna go and just decide that I am in the mood for something and BUY IT !! I know I can buy anything ... but I wanna do it more than once in my life. I wanna just experiment on cookbooks and recipes and not have to worry about what that register will say at the end for once.

I would love to have dinner parties and entertain without having to worry about $$ at the supermarket. I honestly dont think people care about meaningless things they just want to laugh and have fun with family and Friends and enjoy a few drinks and a good meal.

I know I still would love to write a cookbook on entertaining on a budget . I actually was watching today 'whose wedding is it " on style network and once wedding planner said that it was going to be a wedding on a diva's budget . It was for 30 guests and it was for $10,000 !!
That is a budget wedding? that makes it $333 per person . That is NO budget !!!!!!!

I know I am Frugal ( yes i love that word better than cheap) but I have a motto..."do not buy anything that you didnt love at full price" ...which means if money was no object would you have bought it at any price? Just cuz its on clearance/sale it isnt worth buying !!!

I just want to go into a store and buy what I want and need without going straight to those red sale signs !!!

A girl can dream !

Saturday, March 22, 2008

The day BEFORE...

well, it the day before Easter and as usual its a Holiday and all hell will break loose tomorrow.
Its already started with what to buy -- where to buy it----- and the kicker ..well I will just buy it for you . Then today it hit the limit for me when ....

There was suppose to be some dolls on clearance at target for $4ish and b really likes them so I told my sister S about them. Next day she tells Mom about them and that maybe she could get one for B for Easter. But it has to be a certain one cuz thats what S demands. !!!!! I go shopping and hit 3 different Ts. They have the doll but its not the ones on sale. So I dont buy it. today Mom gets a phone call that she bought the doll for $15 and Mom can give her a check tomorrow for it. Then B gets on the phone and says she wants it NOW !!! I just feel that she has made b into every holiday is about what you get and how much did you spend on me.

B actually last month while shopping wanted me to buy her a DVD and I said no since I just bought her one the week before. She then counts the DVDs in the store and says " they only have 10, you need to buy it for me before they run out !!!" " what if I dont get will need to hunt one done for me!" what the hell????
I didnt buy it and she gets on the phone with her other grandmother the nxt day and says that I wouldnt buy it for her so could you? and of course, she did!!! and another DVD just because I wanted you to have it ??!

I didnt buy any of the girls anything for Easter..I just couldnt bring myself to .

Then S calls tonight and puts B on the phone that we need to buy something from B for a fundraiser...its like there is one every three weeks. she wants to bring it for dinner tomorrow and make a big thing out of it. And then R and S gets on the phone to say you buy it every year its this much so just bring a check to dinner. Thats fine but there will be three girls at dinner tomorrow and we can not afford to buy something every three weeks. This year alone it was wrapping paper, cookies, Avon, and now art work .

I have to get up in the morning and make fried chicken, pack the car, and then drive in traffic to a lovely dinner that I will probably be sitting in the kitchen with the three kids...I still am at the KIDS TABLE !!! I have sat at this table for the past three holidays -- just cuz I am not married doesnt make me the designated aunt to sit at the kids table. But if J/A parents sit there J wouldnt have a good dinner--- she would get yelled at throughout the whole thing!!

I guess my life will never change unless I make changes ...I just want a food network/HGTV/Martha holiday where people put thought and time into the holidays and nice fancy glasses and dishes are used, cloth tablecloths are pressed, decorations are used, and once just once someone would greet me with a special appetizer and drink instead of looking at me carrying all the dinner into the house from MY CAR !! ( without any HELP) ---and of course dont even start if I show up before the scheduled time even if it is 3 minutes early !

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Screen shots

I have decided that every time I change my screensaver to post it here....

that way I will always have a record of what it looks like and I will not repeat a picture. This is what it looks like now .

I got the picture off of . You can make mosaics of pictures online or your own. I think I might make one from my trip to NYC or maybe with some pictures of the girls from Easter which is this Sunday. It is way too early for me. I went shopping today and I couldn't find anything in the stores/mall except for winter clearance . I did find a few things here and there but nothing that I am over excited about ! I guess the girls will just be getting April vacation gifts??!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

the new me...

I dyed my hair today ..well actually this morning.

I usually use clairol 108 but for some reason I tried Loreal 6R light auburn...and I LOVE IT !!!

It is that color that just pops but doesn't scream fake color. I will have to post a photo from this weekend's Easter plans.

I usually take a group photo of the nieces and me at each holiday ..I know I know it didn't happen at Christmas but that is because " we have a problem ..we might have to postpone Christmas!" and I ended up doing the dinner, the clean up the dishes, all at someone else's house ?!

I also cut the bottom of my hair about 2 inches.... it now sits on my collarbone.... I usually like longer hair but its gets very stringy and separates after 2 hours. I think it makes my face look rounder than usual but I am just going to live with it since Plastic Surgery is out of the question !

I just love playing with it!!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day

This is what St. Patrick's Day means to me....McDonalds shamrock shake !!

There is actually a website that will let you know if your local McD's has them.

It just says to me that spring is close... the mint flavor was a little too much by the end of the cup but I still drank the whole thing.

I only get one per season otherwise it doesnt have any special meaning it to them.

Happy St. Patrick's Day !!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

I know...I know....

you probably have been thinking I feel off the face of the Earth !

But its been a very crazy month of Febraury...I went to NYC to see Martha again, had school vacations, watching B for I think 16 of the 29 days of the month , and just drama, drama, drama !!

I will keep you updated from now on..I promise { well, even its not every day it will be at least once a week !!}

I have decided and its a given now..... that I am doing for myself, buying think for myself ... I am worth it ! I have bought so much for the girls that never gets used or is just used or worn for one season..its time for me ! I usually only buy for myself if things are on sale or if they are on the clearance rack.... BUT.... sometimes you have to buy quality instead of quantity. I can't believe its taken me this long to actually learn this.

I am so sick of my phone only ringing when you want something.... today L committed me to taken pictures for J's skating club with all the girls ..WTH ??? I am no professional photographer... your husband has a better camera than me...why am I doing this?

so that's on the 27th.... and Easter is the 23rd this month { its sooo early this year I cant get into it} Its so cold outside and all they have in the stores are sleeveless and tank tops, Capris, sandals, and I am still wearing boots and fluffy socks !!