Sunday, March 16, 2008

I know...I know....

you probably have been thinking I feel off the face of the Earth !

But its been a very crazy month of Febraury...I went to NYC to see Martha again, had school vacations, watching B for I think 16 of the 29 days of the month , and just drama, drama, drama !!

I will keep you updated from now on..I promise { well, even its not every day it will be at least once a week !!}

I have decided and its a given now..... that I am doing for myself, buying think for myself ... I am worth it ! I have bought so much for the girls that never gets used or is just used or worn for one season..its time for me ! I usually only buy for myself if things are on sale or if they are on the clearance rack.... BUT.... sometimes you have to buy quality instead of quantity. I can't believe its taken me this long to actually learn this.

I am so sick of my phone only ringing when you want something.... today L committed me to taken pictures for J's skating club with all the girls ..WTH ??? I am no professional photographer... your husband has a better camera than me...why am I doing this?

so that's on the 27th.... and Easter is the 23rd this month { its sooo early this year I cant get into it} Its so cold outside and all they have in the stores are sleeveless and tank tops, Capris, sandals, and I am still wearing boots and fluffy socks !!

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