Monday, July 28, 2008

quick dinner

sometimes a girl just needs a quick and easy dinner
this meal while it was quick it was not greasy at all !!

Dinner was an Omaha Steak Burger with Omaha Steak pre-cooked bacon that took 50 seconds in the microwave. The burger because it is vacuum packed in single packages are quickly defrosted and grill up in less than 10 minutes. So dinner was done in less than 30 minutes...sound like someone else you heard about ??
I like to place my bacon on the burger for the last few minutes on the grill so it stick to the cheese and the grease( not much from this bacon ) from the bacon drips onto the burger.
It was perfect night to sit outside and enjoy my fat , juicy , bacon cheese burger !!!!!

Maybe I should make it a complete quilt free night and look into some chocolate ice cream now ?

Saturday, July 26, 2008

I love the Beach

......its the before you go , I HATE !!

Making the list of what goes in the bags. Yeah you heard me right....BAGS!! ---with an s

There is the beach bag with the towels, blankets, sunscreen, water spritzer, epi-pens( for allergies), then inside this bag is the wristlet with the cell phone, cash, credit card/ATM, license, and keys. Then there is the clear beach bag with sand toys/frisbees that never gets emptied ( I learned the hard way about this), the cooler with water and drinks, the other cooler with snacks and sandwiches ( everyone always wants different sandwiches , dont they? ). I have learned to bring two small coolers since the drink one is constantly opened .

Then, dont forget the hats, camera, and change of clothes and bags to put wet suits in !!

But after you see something like this.... how can you complain ?? This is just a few of many sandcastles on the beach....

Then we stayed till 9PM ish for the fireworks...they were better than the 4th of July's and they went on for over 40 minutes and we sat VERY close to where they were shooting them off on the beach-so we had great seats. We could have sat in the private tent behind us ( family member was running the events on the beach) but we wanted the full effect of them going off right above us !!

At the end of the day was a fabulous day and night at the beach. i feel like I should be doing that commercial for mastercard.....time spent on the beach, priceless!!!

Its now time to jump in the shower and get all that sand off where it should NOT belong !!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

When the weather gets hot..... a girl goes shopping

Its been one of those Hot, Humid, Hazy, weeks. As the weather people call it the 3 H's. So I went and did a few errands this week at the malls . The stores were cold, the air conditioner was on in the car OR the windows were rolled down on the highway for the breeze, and NOW there are many empty water bottles in my car that need to be recycled. I usually take a water bottle everytime I leave the house--or a couple cold /frozen bottles. I bought a case at Target last week for $3.

Otherwise I get a sweet tea at McD's . Well it half sweet- half unsweeten- half ice ! All for $1.o5 with tax !!!!

Here are a few things I bought this week....

black shoes from target $5.74 ..dont you just love a bargain !!! ( I know wrong store's jingle but it works here !)

Green polka dot crop Pjs from ajwright $6.99

Golden satin blouse from Burlington coat factory $14.99 ( not the greatest picture but its beautiful)

Leopard trench coat from Burlington coat factory $29.99 ( there is a belt and it can be a raincoat-- now I need a red small automatic umbrella)
swimsuit top from landsend(sears) $39.99
swimsuit bottoms from target $4.24

I also bought some back to school shoes for J and A. I couldnt buy any for B I didnt know her size. ( I tried to call from the mall today --but no answer on cell phone) I only know J's since when she slept over for a weekend she wanted to spend 1/2 hour in a shoe store just trying on shoes. (SHE never asked to buy anything!) A because I have to exchange a pair of sneakers that were too big . So for my reference for later... J is a 3, A is a 12, and B ( I am told now) is 1 1/2 or 2 .

What have you bought lately? any bargains or good deals?

Friday, July 11, 2008

Thursday afternoon in Boston

This is what my afternoon looked like on the way back from the south shore. I sat in this for over an hour !! It looked like this for miles. The guy in the truck next to me was laughing at me. I was brushing my hair, putting on lipstick, blaring music, singing at the top of my lungs with the windows down , and then I decided to start taking pictures of the skyline and the traffic. What else is a girl to do...get mad? No--- get pretty and make the best of it !!!

(Click on photo to get the full look at the traffic !!)

This will never compare to the Thanksgiving Day traffic , oh crap I forget the year. ( I will google it and report back...went looking and I couldnt find it . I would have to say it was early 2000) I sat in traffic for dinner for over 5 hours. 3 hours of it was in one spot !!!! Some kind of truck overturned on route 93 around noontime. And I didnt find out about it till it was too late. I will have to say thank God for water, and I was bringing the dessert. So I had something to eat for those hours. And I had my cell I kept getting updates about how good the turkey was( I told them to eat without me) . All I asked was that the bathroom be free when I drove up the driveway---I had to pee and nothing was open due to the holiday !!!

What is the longest you have sat in traffic ?

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy 4th of July Weekend !!

It has been a couple of crazy weeks. Sorry for the delay in blogging.

Where to, nieces have visited and spent many of days and nights, day trips, and of yeah, a house has been robbed !!! thank God they only took material things and noone was home.

So Believe me I celebrated with many of desserts and drinks this weekend. I made both the cookies and cupcakes for the annual party on the 4th. I skipped the fireworks on the 3rd because of the weather( thunderstorms all day with temperatures in the 90s) and I just needed a few hours to myself.

So I hope your last few weeks have been OK and it hasnt been anything like mine.

and dont forget to say a prayer and thank you for all the men and woman who are overseas fighting for our freedom not just this weekend but EVERY NIGHT !!