Friday, April 18, 2008

Ideal career

I took an online quick on what is you ideal career..and OMG it was pretty dead on ..check it out!

You would be very happy in a career that utilised your level-headedness, and allowed you to work mainly on your own. You want a career that allows you to stimulate your senses and your mind, without having to be involved with lots of people. Some careers that would be perfect for you are:

Medical Technician
Marine Biologist
Graphic Designer
Online Content Developer
Computer Security
Computer Programmer
Technical Writer
Systems Analyst

You like working and being alone. You like to avoid attention at all costs. You tend to keep to yourself, and not interact much with the people around you. You enjoy spending time with a few a close friends. You like to listen to others, but don't like sharing much about yourself. You are very quiet and private.

You are very practical, and only act after thinking things through. You don't like being forced to answer quickly. You have to evaluate the situation completely. You make decisions based on what you can verify with your senses.

You like to be involved deeply in one or two special projects. You like to be behind the scenes. You are very logical and fair. You feel you should be honest with others at all costs.

You trust what is certain. You only like new ideas if they can be practically applied to the situation. You value what is real. You use your common sense. You like to utilise the skills you have instead of learning new ones. You are very specific and detailed when writing or talking to others. You follow directions well. You like things to be laid out for you to do instead of working them out for yourself. You like decisions to be made. You don't like things to be left in limbo. You like to know what you are getting into before you commit to something.

You like to focus on the here and now. You enjoy completing projects. It is important for you to achieve and succeed. Therefore, you believe in working hard and playing later. You like to set goals and work towards them.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Hello my name is..... and I am an addicted to ....

online shopping !!!

I can not stay off the computer. It is so much fun !! I have been shopping off alot. I signed up for paypal last year and why I didnt do it earlier I dont know ( ok maybe I do now-$$$) . It is so much easy to shop you just place a bid, win the item and charge it like a regular brick and mortar store. Which is why i am addicted !! the stuff is so cheap and it is easy to just sit in your bathrobe and shop.

I also have purchased at two other stores online. Between coupons for free shipping and bargains it is the best thing. Just sit with a cup of hot tea and shop ---shop--- shop !!!

I have shopped for Christmas items online for the past two years but never just because shopping. It is too fun !

Problem.... I have nowhere to wear the new items I want to purchase?

I need to make some plans... so I can shop more!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Bra and UW in public ?

Went shopping for a new swimsuit and I feel like I am going outside in my bra and uw.

But the problem is I can not find a top to fit the size E boobs !!!

I found these great tops , I bought 4 of them and two bottoms to mix and match and the tops do not even cover 1/4 of my boobs !!

And lets not forget about my thighs ...... they are huge ! (ok..most people wouldnt think they are huge, But when I look down ...they dont look like giselle bunchen's!!--- but who's thighs do ??)

I need to go on a diet...... no more late night desserts for me bummer !

anyone know of any good place for a swimsuit that would cover up the girls as well as my thighs? Scuba suit ?

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

allergic reaction

Thanks to a blog ( sorry I cannot get the link to work )I have figured it out what I have been allergic to. She has posted that she has been breaking out with hives for months. They would come and go and appear all over her body for no reason that she could think of. I was having the same reaction but my hives would appear mostly on my hands neck, & the right side of my face. My skin on my legs and back were itchy but I just thought it was the winter season and having the heat on all day and night. I have sensitive skin .

My face was breaking out ( I thought) so I would every night apply "clean and clear invisible blemish treatment" . It was drying my face and making it rough BUT I figured that is what it was going to take to fix the problem. Well early this month she posted that she figured out after visiting many doctors, specialists, and websites what the problem was---- SALICYLIC ACID !!!

Salicylic acid made of the same components of aspirin. I AM ALLERGIC TO ASPIRIN !!!!

Signs and symptoms of aspirin allergy or sensitivity range from mild to serious and may include:

Itchy skin
Itchy, watery eyes
Swelling of the lips, tongue or face
Breathing difficulty or wheezing

Well this might also explain the eye problem I had that day when I could open my eye and had eye goop all day .

So since then I havent used any acid on my face and have been using Oil of Olay cleanser and moisturizer ----itchy skin has stopped, the hives on my neck and face are going away slowly .

Who would have known that it would be made from that , it is suppose to be a acne medication. The cleanser I was using had 4 % salicylic acid and the blemish treatment had 2 %. So every day and night I was putting almost 6 % on my face and my fingers. What was I thinking????

I will keep giving updates to my results. Now I need to come up with a new cleansing routine. You would be amazed at how many cleanser have this acid in there ingredients list.I spent a good 1/2- 45 minutes in one store last weekend looking and reading, security must have thought I was nuts since I didnt buy anything --I took mental notes and came home to google them before buying.

My face is starting to feel soft again. I cant believe that it was this--I would pile on that blemish stuff thinking it would keep the pimples away and then in a few days I would break out all over my face with bumps under the skin. I thought they were small cysts not hives !!

you can learn anything just by searching the web !!!

Thanks Allie !

Monday, April 7, 2008

Good Weekend

It has been a good weekend.

I went to a skating show and my nieces got to meet and get autographs from Olympic skaters Kurt Browning, Emily Hughes, and Stephen Carriere.

Then there was a skating competition and J got a silver and gold medal. this was her first USFSA competition in this flight since passing her tests in January. She also hasnt even skated her whole routine on ice except for Saturday morning. THE DAY BEFORE !! The music didnt start so she had to hold her beginning pose for over 45 seconds and then she finished early and she knew to add to the end. Her coach was so excited that she could think on her feet( or is it skates) so fast. Not bad for a 9 year old !!!

B came home from Florida, she went on a business trip with her mother. They went to Sea World and to Bush Gardens.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

New Calendar Archive

Did you all notice the calendar on the right side of my Blog. Its so cool! I found it on Phydeaux3's blog thru . I love that it doesnt take up the whole right hand side of the blog. Now, just by looking at the calendar you can see when I post a entry. The green dates are entry dates and when the mouse rolls over that date it will tell you the post title.


I was a Pain in the Ass asking Phydeaux3 how to remove the posting after the view archives at the bottom. But anyone who knows me --when I get something in my head I need to get it done or it will eat away at me night and day !!!! His calendar didnt have the postings and he had a cheat sheet with the right code to put into EDIT HTML section but being an idiot at CSS I had no idea where to put it. I even went looking for his code everywhere googling ( is that spelled correctly ?) his code and name . I found one guy in Banglore who was willing to help since he had the calendar thru Phydeaux3 but he could not remove the posting either . I have since posted the information on Deepa's website for him to share with everyone.

If anyone is loving my calendar archive widget on the right go to and follow his fabulous directions for the calendar.

Then because of me being me go to and do the directions for the last settings . ( this will remove the postings at the end of the calendar)

And once again..I am making a public apology to Phydeaux3 for being a pain in the ass !!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fools Day

which means only one thing to me...... spring is here !!

  • baseball season starts
  • flowers are blooming
  • birds are singing--yeah ?!
  • no more coats/gloves/hats
  • open windows
  • ice tea
  • summer shoes
  • pedicures
  • day trips
  • beach..sandcastles

oh...there is so much more !