Tuesday, April 8, 2008

allergic reaction

Thanks to a blog http://mywardrobetoday.com/ ( sorry I cannot get the link to work )I have figured it out what I have been allergic to. She has posted that she has been breaking out with hives for months. They would come and go and appear all over her body for no reason that she could think of. I was having the same reaction but my hives would appear mostly on my hands neck, & the right side of my face. My skin on my legs and back were itchy but I just thought it was the winter season and having the heat on all day and night. I have sensitive skin .

My face was breaking out ( I thought) so I would every night apply "clean and clear invisible blemish treatment" . It was drying my face and making it rough BUT I figured that is what it was going to take to fix the problem. Well early this month she posted that she figured out after visiting many doctors, specialists, and websites what the problem was---- SALICYLIC ACID !!!

Salicylic acid made of the same components of aspirin. I AM ALLERGIC TO ASPIRIN !!!!

Signs and symptoms of aspirin allergy or sensitivity range from mild to serious and may include:

Itchy skin
Itchy, watery eyes
Swelling of the lips, tongue or face
Breathing difficulty or wheezing

Well this might also explain the eye problem I had that day when I could open my eye and had eye goop all day .

So since then I havent used any acid on my face and have been using Oil of Olay cleanser and moisturizer ----itchy skin has stopped, the hives on my neck and face are going away slowly .

Who would have known that it would be made from that , it is suppose to be a acne medication. The cleanser I was using had 4 % salicylic acid and the blemish treatment had 2 %. So every day and night I was putting almost 6 % on my face and my fingers. What was I thinking????

I will keep giving updates to my results. Now I need to come up with a new cleansing routine. You would be amazed at how many cleanser have this acid in there ingredients list.I spent a good 1/2- 45 minutes in one store last weekend looking and reading, security must have thought I was nuts since I didnt buy anything --I took mental notes and came home to google them before buying.

My face is starting to feel soft again. I cant believe that it was this--I would pile on that blemish stuff thinking it would keep the pimples away and then in a few days I would break out all over my face with bumps under the skin. I thought they were small cysts not hives !!

you can learn anything just by searching the web !!!

Thanks Allie !

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