Tuesday, January 1, 2008

wow--- is 2008. does it really feel any different then 2007.

I slept in the same sheets, washed my hair with the same shampoo, and drove the same car but somehow its should be a big holiday and drink alcohol and celebrate !!!

Went shopping to get another new phone.... you know the one from crazy bestbuy. The phone had no dial tone unless you hit the speaker button twice every time you wanted to use the phone. CRAZY !! But no one ( MOM or DAD ) will not say who broke it. It was working fine for the first day and then?? I am not buying another one.. this is the third phone in less than a week. You break another phone...and oh well... use the old one with no caller ID ! I know I sound harsh..but.... I am sick of returning phones and I am going to run out of places to buy them .

I have started drinking hot boiling water for a new drink. I am sick of Tea and this just seems like summer when you drink cold icy water. It warms your hands..but it gives you the benefits of water.

J and A have skating competition on Saturday . I hope everything goes well and that they are not disappointed in how they are treated since this is the old rink/boss lady who was rude to J and why she left for another club !

B's daddy is going to his Mommy's for awhile ( few days each week) to work and then come home since he doesnt have his license still to drive. I hope she doesnt start he retreat back into Mommy only phase ( my sister S ) . I can see it now ...she is watching max and Ruby and had to have a 4 1/2 hour tea party with Mommy and Daddy. Oh, wait I spelt Mommy wrong my sister S wants it to be spelt MOMMIE !!!

what the F *^% !!!!!! yup, thats what I deal with.. craziness !??!

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