Saturday, January 12, 2008

its been crazy couple of days

where to begin... I have been sick for a few days. I pulled a muscle in my leg. And I have spent in the past week ---3 days in a skating rink. ( wonder why I am sick ?)

J and A had a skating competition on Saturday the 5th. J got a 1st and 2nd ..not bad for her first time in FS3. A came in 5th and 1st in Pre-Alpha. I posted her program in artistic on youtube. she was very excited and sent it to her coach to watch to see if maybe she did anything wrong since she came in second. BUT no--nothing she sad she did the best she has even seen. Problem is she skated against one of her coaches other students and that girl came in first--so what is she going to say ????

Then J had a USFSA test on friday..she passed thank GOD !!! she was testing again with her two other "friends" . all three passed !!

B has been doing good at school too well that is excep for Sunday school. her teacher tells her some strange things. " Heaven has no food" B came home and said "Mom that doent sound like a fun place...I am going to be hungry and will he share his food with me?"
teacher also says...' when you dont listen to your parents and act up...thats the devil inside you"

Funny story for the day....... MTV Made was at a skating competition in October 2007 and they filmed a piece on becoming a figure skater. and today was the debut !!!! Guess what I made the cut...I was in the stands with her family cheering her on !!

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