Thursday, January 31, 2008

No one wants to see martha?

Why is it that Everyone I asked if they wanted to go to NY ......has excuses!

I know its a pricey couple of days/day BUT hello ....... Why doesnt anyone want to see her LIVE !
I have to let them know by Monday, which is the day after the superbowl, and the day J skates at bay state games.

Thinking of skating..... I just hope she KICKS ASS this weekend. Her coach is also the coach for , i think, 6 other girls who are also going. They are skating against each other. Which sucks! You only get a jacket if you get Gold, and If I know J she will be pissed along with her Mommy ( my sister) if all the girls get jackets except J. I just hope she get a gold in one of the two events she skates in. Sometimes when she skates... I think others try to out smart her by putting her practices down... or her costume/dress... or her hair.... or they just ignore her for the day. i feel bad...she is ONLY 9 . I just wonder if others want the other girls to win more than her since she doesnt jump up and down when she sees them !!??

[I hope that made sense !]

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Maybe you remember my visit to Martha Stewart in December 2006 .

All I got was a cheese book!

I just received my email from them again... that i get tickets to the Feb 19th show ( 10 am) LIVE !!!!

S already said she can NOT go... But L is all in !

L's friend might take the extra ticket ( she has some connections for good deals on hotels and such ...)

I have to email them back by the end of the week.

I am so excited...but I cant seem to find a cheap way to get to NYC ??!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Missing...but not forgotten

I know..I havent been blogging in a long time. I just havent been feeling up to it.

Maybe its because I am just in a funk. I just have this winter thing. If the sun isnt shining ..I get depressed.

I need to get out of this !! I just need to get up early...and get the day going. i am taking this weekend off... and I will be back to blogging on Monday !

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

100 things that makes me happy..... ( in no particular order)

  1. hot tea
  2. my three nieces
  3. hot fudge sundaes
  4. lipstick/lipgloss
  5. long hot shower
  6. my digital camera
  7. my computer/Internet
  8. McDonald's medium Coke
  9. my cell phone
  10. frozen margaritas/daiquiris
  11. high heels/shoes
  12. planning a party
  13. hand cream
  14. cupcakes
  15. hot chai tea
  16. 1000 thread count bed sheets
  17. iced green tea
  18. popcorn
  19. soap operas
  20. balanced checkbook
  21. nailpolish
  22. law and order ( all 3 different shows)
  23. finding bargains
  24. turtleneck sweaters
  25. hallmark cards
  26. old pictures
  27. cookbooks
  28. Burger King Chicken sandwich w/ no mayo
  29. Patriots football
  30. food network
  31. wearing a new outfit
  32. silver jewelry
  33. sharpie markers
  34. bacon
  35. wristlet purses
  36. kitchen gadgets
  37. Christmas Tree Shops
  38. music that makes you sing out loud and dance
  39. mashed potatoes
  40. hugs & kisses
  41. flowers
  42. rolling down a hill
  43. beer in a frozen mug
  44. french fries
  45. Christmas
  46. purses & bags .....really all kinds
  47. my car
  48. sunglasses
  49. entertainment gossip
  50. Red Sox baseball
  51. pedicures
  52. Target
  53. Mom's chicken soup
  54. shower thoughts
  55. basket shopping online and with catalogs
  56. black boots
  57. calligraphy
  58. fixing something by myself
  59. butterflies
  60. mints/gum
  61. antique dishes/wine glasses/serving pieces
  62. sitting by a fireplace
  63. my blue bathrobe
  64. a crisp fall day
  65. baking !!!!
  66. snow falling and sticking to trees...just not shoveling
  67. swan boats at Public Gardens in Boston
  68. my TV remote control
  69. french bread
  70. Martha Stewart
  71. a sunny day
  72. compliments from strangers
  73. sale racks
  74. chatting on phone with my sisters about nothing
  75. picnics
  76. hot cocoa with whipped cream
  77. winter coats
  78. reading other people's blogs
  79. the color green
  80. acting silly
  81. live concerts
  82. PJ's
  83. standing in the ocean when a wave hits you ( no seaweed, yuck!!)
  84. nachos
  85. QVC
  86. seeing myself on TV
  87. sand castles
  88. American Idol
  89. little journal notebooks
  90. driving with NO traffic
  91. apple picking
  92. martini ( Cosmos, apple, chocolate, doesn't matter)
  93. vacations
  94. good hair days
  95. gourmet kitchens
  96. sunrises/sunsets
  97. doing nothing !!
  98. amusement parks
  99. buying/wrapping gifts
  100. my family....MOM !!!

Monday, January 14, 2008

snow day

Let it snow...
Let it snow..
Let it snow !!!

All three girls had a snow day ... we had a nor'easter. It is the pretty snow ..the kind that sticks to the trees and brings down the power lines!

17,000 people are still without power and it is now 4pm in the afternoon.

It was heavy and hard to move...but the sidewalk, the driveway, and the street ( well my part at least) is done.

I love to have a huge glass of OJ when I come in from shoveling..what do you like?

I will have to sometime this week make a nice pot of potato soup ( YUM YUM) .
(photo from

Saturday, January 12, 2008

its been crazy couple of days

where to begin... I have been sick for a few days. I pulled a muscle in my leg. And I have spent in the past week ---3 days in a skating rink. ( wonder why I am sick ?)

J and A had a skating competition on Saturday the 5th. J got a 1st and 2nd ..not bad for her first time in FS3. A came in 5th and 1st in Pre-Alpha. I posted her program in artistic on youtube. she was very excited and sent it to her coach to watch to see if maybe she did anything wrong since she came in second. BUT no--nothing she sad she did the best she has even seen. Problem is she skated against one of her coaches other students and that girl came in first--so what is she going to say ????

Then J had a USFSA test on friday..she passed thank GOD !!! she was testing again with her two other "friends" . all three passed !!

B has been doing good at school too well that is excep for Sunday school. her teacher tells her some strange things. " Heaven has no food" B came home and said "Mom that doent sound like a fun place...I am going to be hungry and will he share his food with me?"
teacher also says...' when you dont listen to your parents and act up...thats the devil inside you"

Funny story for the day....... MTV Made was at a skating competition in October 2007 and they filmed a piece on becoming a figure skater. and today was the debut !!!! Guess what I made the cut...I was in the stands with her family cheering her on !!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

wow--- is 2008. does it really feel any different then 2007.

I slept in the same sheets, washed my hair with the same shampoo, and drove the same car but somehow its should be a big holiday and drink alcohol and celebrate !!!

Went shopping to get another new phone.... you know the one from crazy bestbuy. The phone had no dial tone unless you hit the speaker button twice every time you wanted to use the phone. CRAZY !! But no one ( MOM or DAD ) will not say who broke it. It was working fine for the first day and then?? I am not buying another one.. this is the third phone in less than a week. You break another phone...and oh well... use the old one with no caller ID ! I know I sound harsh..but.... I am sick of returning phones and I am going to run out of places to buy them .

I have started drinking hot boiling water for a new drink. I am sick of Tea and this just seems like summer when you drink cold icy water. It warms your hands..but it gives you the benefits of water.

J and A have skating competition on Saturday . I hope everything goes well and that they are not disappointed in how they are treated since this is the old rink/boss lady who was rude to J and why she left for another club !

B's daddy is going to his Mommy's for awhile ( few days each week) to work and then come home since he doesnt have his license still to drive. I hope she doesnt start he retreat back into Mommy only phase ( my sister S ) . I can see it now ...she is watching max and Ruby and had to have a 4 1/2 hour tea party with Mommy and Daddy. Oh, wait I spelt Mommy wrong my sister S wants it to be spelt MOMMIE !!!

what the F *^% !!!!!! yup, thats what I deal with.. craziness !??!