Tuesday, September 2, 2008

"I am trying"

I really am... I am trying to let go of everything that I have no control over. I have no control over what my sister's do with their kids so why do I bother getting upset over it ...it will not change !!!!!

I am one of those people who when things get to me..I eat .

In high school I think I gained over 15 pounds in those 4 years because I was so shy and introverted that instead of dealing with it ..I ate . Most people in high school and college thought I was just a straight up Bitch ..becasue I was painfully shy around people except for a small group of people but in that circle I was so outgoing and the life of the party. It didnt help that the small group of people was the popular crowd so when I would just be shy and stand off to the corner...I was the biggest stuck up bitch . Somehow this stuck with me for over 20 years ..and I want to change.

I am still shy around people, I always think they will not like me . BUT I fake that extrovert person deep inside and just try to get over it .

I think my ideal job would have been doing PR or marketing I love the idea of helping people out with a charity but I could never put myself in the front of all those people .

Today , I am trying to be myself , the one that a select few really do get to see !!!!

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