Monday, August 11, 2008

Feeling not that great...

For the last couple of weeks I have feeling a little down on myself. Maybe its because I dont have tons of plans this summer. It could be because I have been spending $$ on tons of gas for my car or it could be that I dont have a boyfriend to do fun things with. Both my sisters are married have kids and most of my friends have boyfriends or husbands to entertain their summer days/ nights and weekends. I hate calling their houses and having to explain why I am calling...can't a girl just call " Just because??!!"

Well, yesterday I ran into my Aunt in the grocery store and lets just say ..."if you are ever feeling down--- find my Aunt" She just made my day...she always has the nicest things to say. She has that Irish broagh that it doesnt matter what she always comes out beautiful. She is the closest thing to a grandparent to me... (she married my grandfather's brother on my father's side )

(that's me -in the green )

It's not that I think you need a guy in your life to find happiness, its just that whenever those invitations arrive in the mail for Labor day Weekend Bash, birthday parties, wedding, or just for a quick BBQ I hate calling them back and saying it will just be me !!

I always have fun when I go ...its the getting dressed and over thinking the event I dont like. usually there is those few minutes when you look around and you feel like the only single person in a room full of couples. Otherwise, you know that there will be that other single person at the party that someone thinks will be perfect for you ...ughhhh!!!

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