Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Olympics 2008

Can I just say are they staying up ?!

OMG !!!!!!!!

there has to be some major butt crack for those people behind him ? !!!!!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Feeling not that great...

For the last couple of weeks I have feeling a little down on myself. Maybe its because I dont have tons of plans this summer. It could be because I have been spending $$ on tons of gas for my car or it could be that I dont have a boyfriend to do fun things with. Both my sisters are married have kids and most of my friends have boyfriends or husbands to entertain their summer days/ nights and weekends. I hate calling their houses and having to explain why I am calling...can't a girl just call " Just because??!!"

Well, yesterday I ran into my Aunt in the grocery store and lets just say ..."if you are ever feeling down--- find my Aunt" She just made my day...she always has the nicest things to say. She has that Irish broagh that it doesnt matter what she always comes out beautiful. She is the closest thing to a grandparent to me... (she married my grandfather's brother on my father's side )

(that's me -in the green )

It's not that I think you need a guy in your life to find happiness, its just that whenever those invitations arrive in the mail for Labor day Weekend Bash, birthday parties, wedding, or just for a quick BBQ I hate calling them back and saying it will just be me !!

I always have fun when I go ...its the getting dressed and over thinking the event I dont like. usually there is those few minutes when you look around and you feel like the only single person in a room full of couples. Otherwise, you know that there will be that other single person at the party that someone thinks will be perfect for you ...ughhhh!!!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Fall Preview 2008

Fall is coming, maybe?

You would never know that by the weather we have been having in the last few days. I have been calling it Florida weather. It is humid and it rains almost every day; if you leave the house without an umbrella ---you are screwed !!

Well I went on an Internet search to see what they predict in the magazine for fall preview 2008 ; here's what I found on just the first google page :

  • jewel tones ( purple, yellow, royal blue...)
  • plaid
  • feminine dresses with belts
  • bold accessories ( bracelets, necklaces, rings.....)
  • trench coats
  • western ( cowboy boots!!)
  • high waisted skirts
  • pointy shoes/boots

and the list goes on and on and on !

I went shopping today and I kept finding argyle twin sets everywhere--trend? What have you seen at the stores?

I have decided for Fall I will be buying brighter clothes, I need to get out of this dark, navy, black thing; If you saw my closet it looks like a funeral is happening almost everyday with the dark clothes in every size and shape . I want to go back to wearing more feminine clothes that show off my cute figure instead of hiddening and trying to just blend in. I read too many blogs where everyone ( regardless of size) wears happy, bright, look at me clothes. I want some of that attention too !!! I am not talking trashy, tight fittening clothes ---just more feminine blouses instead of turtlenecks , skirts and dresses with tights and my high black boots instead of Old navy jog sets , breaking out the big bold necklaces and bracelets instead of my diamond studs or silver hoops ..... I want to feel like a woman not a gym rat !!

Friday, August 8, 2008

2008 Olympics

its the opening ceremonies of the 2008 Olympics in Beijing , China tonight

I love the day when the Olympics open and watching how they are going to light the torch in the stadium. But more importantly...... what is USA going to wear for the opening ceremony. Its a tradition I remember doing with my Mom every 4 years when I was little .

Swimming, Gymnastics, Track and Field.... it really doesnt matter what event is on

I printed out the schedule the other took 41 pages !!!!!!

Dork, I am, highlighted and set the timer on the TV for all the good events.

Lets make the popcorn , relax and Go Team USA

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Hospital crazy week

Well its been another week of visiting emergency rooms and dealing with doctor appointments. This time it was for my Mom .

She hasnt been feeling all that great all summer but we had just taken it to be the weather. She doesnt do that well in the humidity and its been one of those crazy summers. Well on Friday she woke up with her foot completely swollen ( mind you this is her good foot the other one is always swollen and hurts) . So by Saturday morning she was in so much pain she agreed to let me take her to the hospital...when this happened I jumped into action since she never agrees to this.

She washed up and got dressed and we headed off to the hospital to wait our turn. She was taken within 20 minutes after I dropped her off at the ER. --of course no parking in those 10 parking spots in the ER lot... so i had to park around the corner. CRAP!!!

I told her I give it 4 hours --before we know something or are discharged..well ding ding ding. After 4 1/2 hours and blood test, xrays, and many doctors and nurses she was diagnosed with gout in her left foot.

I called my sisters when I got her home..Mom didnt want a family reunion at the hospital ; she thought she broke her foot anyways.

Now after 6 days of Oxycodone , some crappy amber shake stuff, and doctor appointments with her regular Drs she is feeling about 20% better and the swelling is going down a little.

BUT ...... my sisters are out of control now , last night one called and wanted her to babysit next Wed. night for both girls and the other sister had her daughter call Grandma to tell her she cut her hair since the cheer leading sheet said they cant have hair touch their shoulders. " Grandma is going to be so mad at you !!!" is what she told her. I guess 4 inches off one pigtail and 3 off the other. Still waiting for photos .

They havent called or helped out once since Saturday... its been all me making sure she is OK in the middle of the night, that she is eating, that she is taking her meds, that dad is ok and eating ETC.....

Even when MOM is sick they have the nerve to think everything is all about them ! It never changes does it ?