Friday, May 16, 2008

44 odd things .....

I got this in an email last week, so instead of answering it an sending it to everyone ..I would just answer here--Enjoy !!
44 odd things

> 1. Do you like blue cheese? no
> 2. Have you ever smoked? no
> 3. Do you own a gun? no
> 4. What flavor Kool Aid was your favorite? never had Kool aid in my life !!
> 5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? yes
> 6. What do you think of hot dogs? best on the grill,burnt
> 7. Favorite Christmas movie? year without santa claus
> 8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? hot tea
> 9. Can you do push ups ? yes
> 10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? earrings
> 11. Favorite hobby? shopping,baking, computer surfing
> 12. Do you have A.D.D.? I'm sorry , I was distracted, what was the question????!!
> 13. What's one trait you "hate" about yourself? quiet/shy
> 14. Middle name? Diane
> 15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment...a) all I got was a cheese book b) my feet are cold c) I wish I could type faster,
>16.Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? hot tea, iced tea, did I say tea
> 17. Current worry? $$
> 18. Current hate right now? swimwear
> 19. Favorite place to be? on vacation
> 20. How did you bring in the New Year? at home
> 21. Where would you like to go? Vegas
> 22. Name three people who will complete this? ???
> 23. Do you own slippers? yes
> 24 What shirt are you wearing? none--wearing robe
> 25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? no >
> 26. Can you whistle? yes
> 27. Favorite color? green or pink
> 28. Would you be a pirate? sorry not this week maties
> 29. What songs do you sing in the shower? whatevers on the radio ..its always on in the bathroom
> 30. Favorite Girl's Name?
> 31. Favorite boy's name?
> 32. What's in your pocket right now? nothing..i usually dont put anything in there...makes hips look bigger
> 33. Last thing that made you laugh? phone call
> 34. Best bed sheets as a child? smurfs
> 35. Worst injury you've ever had? broken arm , fell on broken glass roller skating down the middle of the street when I was 9 "Get out of the middle of the street you are blocking traffic!!"
> 36. Do you love where you live? No
> 37. How many TVs do you have in your house? 3
> 38. Who is your loudest friend? Christine
> 39. How many dogs do you have? zero
> 40. Does someone have a crush on you? ??????
> 41. What is your favorite book(s)? cookbooks
> 42. What is your favorite candy? godiva truffles
> 43. Favorite Sports Team? redsox/ patriots
> 44. What song do you want played at your funeral? ---how morbid to end with this question !!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Skinny ???

OMG !!! I went to the store today to do some food shopping and for the past couple of weeks I have been wanting something good to have for a snack BUT I need to lose a few pounds---summer is coming soon ! So I have been passing all the bakery items and fattening things.

UNTIL today !!
Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches... 6 for $2.99 !! They were sooo good. Not rich ice cream good. but two points from weight watchers good, only 140 calories awesome good, and not guilty on late night snack good !!!!

I think this is going to be my new go to item for the summer...... I think they might be even cheaper if I buy them in bulk at Bjs/Costco !! Because I am sure that they will not be in the freezer for long once everyone else gets to try them :(

If i could eat these and loose weight....... where have I been since these came out and why hasnt anyone told me about them ??!!

Monday, May 5, 2008

it was all over the board ...

Well, I went to the fundraiser on Sunday at neiman marcus. It was over all over the board on what people were wearing. Some people came in jeans..some in sneakers... some dressed in coats that costs over $1,000 and then there was me!

I wore what I wore to Martha Stewart show in February. The weather was cold, around the 50s, rainy, and dark and dreary. I had on daisy fuentas black pants that are very long and look very expensive ( $8) and a short sleeve Burgundy turtleneck ( $6) from Kohls and a necklace that I got at a Christmas Party from the host ( story for another day ) , and my fake diamond stud earrings.

I would have to say that it doesnt matter what you spent on your outfits, the people in Neimans were trying to get me to buy this $5,000 necklace that I just loved. The models were always compliments me on the outfits I was looking at and everyone was very nice. I really dont think they were trying to butter me up to buy something...cuz they were not doing it to other people including the one in the very expensive raincoat.

I guess the girl who grew up thinking people will only treat you with respect if you buy them things and have the most expensive things with labels and logos ..has learned a very important lesson ---too bad its only took me till my mid 30s to do it !!!!

Some of the people who came to the event had on: sweatshirts with dogs on it, red sneakers, jeans I would wear around my house, hair that needed combed, and the list goes on and on.

The food was soooo good! I had three glasses of champagne, fruit kabobs, yogurt granola with fruit, salad in a cheese crisp, potato pancakes, egg sandwiches, bacon and cheese quiche, and small cupcakes ( with OMG so good ..butter cream icing !!)

Saturday, May 3, 2008


I have made a few changes in the last couple of weeks.

Ones that are noticeable to you the bloggers...and many that are in my REAL life.

I have trying to do things for myself and think of myself first but after 30 something years it is hard! I think I know what I want to do but where do I turn..I want to work for a non-profit organization/volunteer and get paid $$ and the first step is to see how these functions work and if it is exactly what I want and where I can help the best.

So last month, I bought tickets to a brunch to honor a breast cancer fund . Tommorrow I am going tothe brunch , and this is the first time in many years that I am nervous on what to wear. I know I usually look good, and that most people even compliment me on my outfits. But this time its at Neiman Marcus and I feel kinda embarrassed on my CHEAP bargains and that many of the other woman will have handbags and purses costing more money than whats in my checkbook!!??

I know I can socialize with the rich and famous and I have in the past but since its in a very expensive store...i just think I feel that little girl in high school who didnt have the right sneakers, handbag, and the right type of everything !!


I know I have low self esteem when it comes to what people think of me.. because I know deep down... I feel like I am the hired help who snuck in to steal a glass of champagne !! and one day someone will catch me and say " how did you get in did you afford the ticket?"

I guess I will just have to put on my bargains in the morning , put on my lipgloss, and a smile ( in the rain !!) and enjoy myself. It is the only way I will ever get over this .... otherwise I will be in this chair typing on this keyboard for the rest of my life bitchin about my so called life!!