Tuesday, January 20, 2009

President Barack Obama

Today is the day...our next 44th President Barack Obama is sworn in as the new President
Today is the first day in many many years that a candidate that I voted for will become president of the United States. Regardless of how you feel...this is history in the making.
I am so disappointed that my nieces are not watching it on TV during school today. This is US history in the making---- not studying that outdated book in class.
Teachers/principals.... wake up and plug those TV's in...and teach our youth that it doesnt matter where you grow up, the style of family you have..... it all about paths you choose !

Saturday, January 17, 2009

.....VENT ......

I ask for very little..so why is it when I ask for you to do something for me on Jan 6th it still hasnt been done ??

You could have done this on the 6th without even going out of your way. No extra stop needed !!

But in this time you have asked me to do so much .......and you actually have the nerve to call me today { after doing you a favor already this week } to ask for another favor !

WTH !!!!!!!!

ok..back to your regular non -venting blog

Sunday, January 11, 2009

SNOWING ..again

Oh How I love this time of the year getting dressed and putting on cashmere sweaters, tall black boots, tights, wool coat, leather gloves but no this isnt what I went to the closet to put on today...

it was those ugly black heavy boots ( keeps toes warm they say, not always !), turtleneck, sweatshirt, jeans, wool socks, pink ski jacket, heavy weatherproof gloves, scarf tied around neck (but not in that pretty french way with the wrap and tie) , earmuffs, hat, and sometimes those snow pants for climbing in those snow drifts just to get to the car door.

I am lucky, sometimes, when my neighbor takes pity on me and snowblows the sidewalk...but because the ass always parks on my side of the street near the driveway ---I end up having to shovel the street after I clean out my driveway because the plow only does the middle of the street. It isnt pretty !!!

Here in the Boston area people sometimes place out summer lawn chairs, trash cans, cones , crates, and whatever else you can find in the basement that you dont mind losing---just to save your shoveled out parking spot. Thank God I have a driveway and I dont have to put up with that crap because it isnt something that you would wanna see when you drive down a street is crap between snow piles, but I guess it is better that fights and broken glass from broken car windshields if someone took your parking spot that you spent hours cleaning out !!

It is going to be a cold week... highs in the 20s and that is afternoon temperature ! So we will have to see if fashion or warmth wins out this week ??!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Target keeps designer till 2012

Mossimo has renewed the license agreement with Target Corporation for its Mossimo brand through January 31, 2012.
I cant tell you how much this excites me since Target has lost Issac ..most of the clothes I buy now from target has been from Mossimo line. They have gotten alot better with their styles of shoes ! I have bought in the past two month over 5 pair --- a girl can never have enough shoes...right ??!!

Mossimo 's company also owns Badgley Mischka, Candie's ,Joe boxer, and London Fog. I wonder if they use the same designers?

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year's Eve

I hope everyone had a safe and fun New year's Eve.

I hope what they say" what you do today is what you will be doing the rest of the year" because today is nothing. I am enjoying a jammie day, --- which consisted today of-- getting dress to go shovel out the car and driveway in 4 degree weather with bone chilling wind making it feel like 5 below., taking a shower to warm up, and then jammies again !

I have been doing nothing all day except cleaning and putting away the Christmas Gifts and just surfing other people's blogs. I would love to have a fashion blog that showcases my outfits each day but I am not sure I can make a commitment to it and I don't like to do things halfway.